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A crucial travel lesson from us

Hi all!

This is my 1st writing on the blog and I thought that I should share with you a very important story. Let’s get back to what happened last week to me and Cindy, well mostly me.

It all started when we’re on the way to our Hamburg trip to finally see my parents again. When we left the apartment, I had the feeling deep down, which is so calm, that something must be wrong, but well I chose to ignore it and so Cindy and I left to go to the airport. I had no clue what kind of storm was heading my way.

Kreidesee in Hemmoor, the place we'd be staying at for the upcoming days

Having made it to the airport, we went straight to the security check, as we checked in the night before. Scanned our ticket, walked through the lines, and only when arrived in front of the security terminal did I realise I did not bring my wallet! I was so shocked and so was Cindy!

First Cindy checked the time if I could just go back to our place with a taxi and then come back, but the time we had left just seemed to little. Then, I thought back to my last couple of trips (actually many) within the EU and did not remember ever showing my ID or passport anymore. Also, I remembered having a scan of my passport on my phone and started looking for it before putting all our stuff onto the band of the security check. I was searching and searching and yes, both ID and Passport photos were on my phone. I felt safe. I mean having those two on my phone and little checks of ID’s at airport lately just made me so sure everything would work out. So after the security check we made our way towards our gate. Considering how small the airport in Helsinki is, we had to walk pretty far.

Anyways, we sat down and waited for the boarding to start. By the way, our flight to Hamburg was with Czech Airlines. I’ve made bad experiences before with this specific Airline, but I was still sure that I’d be fine. As we Germans says “Pustekuchen” (It expresses that someone didn't get what he wanted to, or wasn't right when he insisted on being right.), I should never have felt so secure about the whole thing working out. Because when boarding started and it was our turn for the check, they actually did want to see my ID. Panic started. Let’s hope they’ll be okay with the photos of my ID. The woman at the boarding gate had to call the operators of Czech Airlines to receive confirmation. Seriously, I’ve never seen someone showing such little emotion. Neither Cindy nor I could tell by the conversation and/or by the woman’s expression what the outcome would be. She finished the call, looked at me, still no readable expression, and said “I cannot let you board, sorry”. Damn!

You wonder what about Cindy now?

Well she boarded and I went home getting my ID and figuring out the cheapest alternative to get to Hamburg. It was important to make it before Wednesday, as Wednesday was the day my whole family would be going to Ed Sheeran’s concert. Just s***!

1,5 hours later, sweating like a pig (it was super hot in Helsinki) and €400 poorer, I was back at the airport already sitting on the plane, feeling bad for Cindy because she would have to go through a 3-hour-transit whereas I got a direct flight. Sucks (And also sucks because it was not a good flight without her). In the end we both made it to Hamburg and we were more than excited for the Ed Sheeran concert coming up the next day.

However, I guess it could have been much worse. I could have paid more and, to be honest, in the end it‘s just money and we all know that the health is far more important than money. We’re just happy that we got to see each other again a few hours after that and no plan was wrecked except the saving up one.

Me waiting for Cindy to get off that specific plane

So, whenever you leave the house to go catch a flight: Make. Sure. To. Bring. An. ID. Save yourself trouble and money.

Now, almost a week later, we are back in Helsinki. We left Hamburg today and this time we flew with SAS. NO ID CHECK WHATSOEVER. Can’t change anything anymore, but just saying though.



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